Monday, April 6, 2009

Butterflies of Cyprus

Post published Monday 6th April, 2009, Emba, Paphos.
Soulas' Thoughts No. Two

In our garden yesterday the children and I came across this beautiful butterfly. It was one of the largest butterflies I have seen recently and it was a very rare treat. We had decided to do some gardening in lieu of the coming Festive Easter season and we were busy working in our garden. Planting and trimming and generally putting the garden in order. Believe me it needed it. Anyway we were all very excited when we found the butterfly and ran to fetch our various apparatus it being either camera or mobile to take photos of the beautiful butterfly.
We were all so thrilled to see it and to be able to take photos. It was as if the butterfly was sitting there waiting for us to take photos and take our fill of her with our eyes. We just were so amazed that she didn't fly away immediately. The butterfly let us take lots of photos of her and even let Demos take her on the back of his hand where she sat for quite a few minutes. We were all in awe of the situation as we knew that this was not a normal phenomenon. Usually butterflies would fly away as soon as see you. And this one just sat there and let us enjoy her beauty. We were all very happy to have her near us and then she decided to fly away.

Gardens are such lovely places. When it comes to earth and flowers it can me a messy business if you have not got stuck in for a long time, but it is so rewarding. I love looking at flowers and gardens and love planting whenever I can. The children love it also. I came home with quite a few bulbs to plant and my second child went all over the garden planting them. I didn't know he had it in him. He has proved to be quite a gardener even though he showed no signs of being one before, now that I started to do various odd jobs and planting he has showed a marked interest in this passtime himself. You never know with children until you put them in close proximity with a hobby what they are capable of.................
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